Monday, December 1, 2014

5-hour energy review

I am reviewing 5-hour energy, which I got a free sample of from Smiley360. I have to say overall, I am very impressed. I have a baby at home that wakes up several times at night for feedings. Needless to say, sleep is lacking for me right now. With a three-year-old at home too, I have to keep my energy up during the day. 5-hour energy gives me the quick, easy jolt of energy I so desperately need these days! It has a great taste, which I can't say is true for its competitors. I love that it comes in original, decaf, & extra strength. I am also impressed with the brand's efforts to donate to charity. I would highly recommend this product!
Check it out! My new favorite way to get a boost of energy! ‪#‎Gotitfree‬